Produkty dla ryby gąbczaste (4)



Whether they are oil marinades, emulsion marinades, starch marinades or dry marinades (rubs), and with or without binder compounds, our products are precisely tailored to meet the various challenges of preparing meat products, frozen products and semi-finished convenience dishes. From exotic to classic and traditional, flavour, appearance and haptics are always delightfully harmonised. Our variants in summary: FoxMaro® – oil marinades FoxMare® – emulsion marinades FoxMadry® – dry marinades FoxMaris® – starch marinades Brand new: FoxMare marinade with Skyr Our five finely tuned emulsion marinades with Skyr includes 28% of Skyr and are available for pork, beef, poultry, fish and vegetables. Moreover Skyr is a very good ingredient for dips. The proportion of Skyr provides taste of freshness and an extra boost of protein. In combination with the emulsion marinades, fermented Skyr makes meat, fish and vegetables tender and is also low in calories.
Żywe Jedzenie do Akwarium

Żywe Jedzenie do Akwarium

Wir bieten je nach Witterung und Jahreszeit bis zu 14 verschiedene Sorten Lebendfutter.


Spargel in verschiedene Schnitten Spargel (Aspargus officinalis L.) ist eine ausdauernde, mehrjährige Kulturpflanze, deren weiße bzw. grünen Sprossen (Stangen) als Gemüse verwendet werden. Wir bieten folgendes Sortiment: weiß/grün unterschiedliche Längen und Durchmesser Stangen Abschnitte ohne Spitzen (center cuts) Abschnitte mit Spitzen (tips & cuts) Spitzen
Gruba Banan

Gruba Banan

<19% CBG | 1 & 2 g Aroma: Spritzig Zitronig